SHE PEED!!!! In the toilet!!! Wahoo! Again for journaling, I am recording silly things that nobody else will care about but me (and probably Scott). Yesterday I decided to give Emma a bath for the first time in a few days...NO it's not really like that...She HAS had showers, just NOT baths! Are you caught up or confused yet? Good, me too~! Anywhoo...I have been tramuatizing Emma with showers because she has been tramautizing me with baths....basically, she poops IN THE TUB. It is so gross and I am just not a mom that deals well with that kind of ikiness, therefore, she has been taking showers (and hating every second of it). She asked me for a bath yesterday (Feb. 29, 2012) and I just couldn't turn her cute little face down yet again so I did what all good mama's do and gave right in to her demands ;) . Before she was allowed to get in the tub, we had a very long conversation (mostly one sided) about how IF she needed to go to the bathroom, she needed to do it in the toilet. And IF she pooped in the tub...she would NOT be allowed back in the tub again. So I put her on the toilet and we read a book, and YAY for her she peed for the very first time in the toilet!! I was so excited I jumped right up and got her a treat. THEN when she was in the tub and had been for about 10 minutes, she looked up at me and said MOM...POTTY! She climbed out of the tub, hopped onto the toilet and DID IT AGAIN!!! So proud of my baby!!!
yep it was leap day, hmmmm......does this mean she will be peeing in the toilet once every four years? Sure hope not!